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3 Key Success

Man was created in perfect condition. There is no shortage in us. But not all men are aware of it. Humans have forgotten the true meaning of life. Let us reflect on together, paused to evaluate what we have gone through. Because we move too fast and forgot to go back to square one.

I want to share my experience in undergoing the process of 'success' at a young age.Think I'm never before. But is not aware that there are some things that make a 'success' I was getting easier to achieve. There are three important things that I think the key factor in achieving success, namely: close to God, loving family, and always sharing.

Close to god, it is becoming the main thing in building a 'foundation' success at a young age. "My success is not merely I get from my hard work, but all of this on his license", I was always convinced in my heart when I reach the target that I want. Grateful to the blessings that have been given by him. Many of us are oblivious to whatever god given to us. Realize that we are weak creatures who are always in need of grace and His help.

Loving family, the second thing is to 'source' my fortune in this life. At first I was a very, very far away from my family. From this, when I get a calamity that made me realize that I am away from the 'source' my sustenance. Meaning that I have obtained is the 'source' provision exists in the nearest person (family) we are. Whatever activity I do, I always do not forget to ask for your blessing and support of my family. At this moment I have a desire to be able to motivate my family to achieve success together.

Always share, the third thing is becoming like the 'nutrition' life that I need every day. Why like that? Because I like getting to share the passion and inspiration in seeing a better future 'sheen'. Share with anyone, irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion, status, and others. Being a person who is required by those who want to know some things I know. All things that exist in this universe, including the sciences are the property of a god. And we are obliged to share it freely.

"Those who always want to share and view the distinction of being a beauty". I summarize these quotations from the opinions of my friends about the meaning of life. Many people view the differences become an obstacle in achieving a common goal. However, I've proved myself that the difference can we melt into ONE to achieve the dream (dream) with a 'relief'.

Three (3) things I described above could be my friends for yourself and feel with the heart.Prove that we are a young nation Indonesia is immoral and is able to bring major changes to Indonesia in the future. Indonesian CAN!

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